Hi Huneybees,

adidas announced that tickets to catch adidas NEO label ambassador, pop sensation Justin Bieber, are up for grabs. The winners will catch their idol in the closing concert on Monday 23 September 2013 at the Padang Stage at the 2013 Formula1 Singtel Grand Prix and some would even have the opportunity to meet and greet the Canadian superstar.
From 30th August 2013, die-hard Beliebers will stand a chance to clinch this once-in-a lifetime experience simply by spending SGD50 on any NEO label item in a single receipt and complete a short True or False questionnaire form in stores about their favourite superstar. Answering all questions correctly will bring fans one step closer to seeing their idol in concert.
“Giving the fans this experience to hang out and have fun with their favourite star embodies the excitement and vibrancy of the NEO label. Fans can also look forward to Justin’s favourite new looks hitting stores in October.” --- Sarah Fisher, Brand Communications and Sports Marketing Senior Manager SEA
The closing date of the competition is 17th September 2013.
For further media information please visit facebook.com/adidasSG