Hi Huneybees,

It was pouring that day, but nothing can stop me and my friend - Cindy from having a little fun at Ben & Jerry's ChunkFest 2013. Held at The Promontory @ Marina Bay, I had a media preview of what's the latest ice cream flavours whilst having an enjoyable weekend.
Along with the usual "wacky" flavours of ice cream that they serve, comes the new flavour - Couch Potato. A companion while you enjoy that movie of yours, slink back into your comfy couch and taste this euphoris sweet and salty combo.
Crunchy potato chips encrusted with chocolate matched with vanilla ice cream and salty caramel swirl are simply a combination of both our favourite snacks. Why not have the best of both worlds while we watch the telly?
What's more, you are simply doing some good with every bite as the ingredients used in making this new flavour are all from farmers who received a fair price for their harvest. In return, Fairtrade farmers are able to carry out environmentally sound farming practices and invest in their communities from the Fairtrade premium they earn!
So, back to the Chunk Fest, I also got to taste 2 exclusive flavours from US. They were Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough and Peaches & Cream. If you are fans of having chunks of chewy bites in your ice cream, these 2 would be great choices.
Of course, we also got to taste more ice creams - Karamel Sutra, Red Velvet Cake and Chocolate Peppermint Crunch. These were sold by the pint that day, so I was thankful that there were so may people sharing the tub with us.
My favourite have got to be the Red Velvet Cake. Nothing short of the cake flavour, this is definitely a choice of ice cream for the cake lovers and those who love unique ice cream flavours.
Thank you Ben & Jerry's for the invite that day.
I'm in fact a converted Couch Potato now!
You can get the all new Ben & Jerry's Couch Potato ice cream at major supermarkets, convenience stalls and scoop shops now at recommended retail price of S$13.90!
Visit http://www.facebook.com/benjerrysingapore to get more updates from Ben & Jerry's.