Hi Huneybees,
Ok, I won't bore you with the lengthy details, but if you have blurred vision at all distances, you may have Astigmatism. It is caused by the irregular curvature of the cornea and for me, I tend to see double or triple vision of an object, as though I was in some kungfu flick. And when it gets dark, my vision gets worse and I experience night glare and haloes. It's even harder to see and that's probably the only time I might have whipped out my prescribed glasses.
But now, I'm saved by 1•DAY ACUVUE® MOIST® for ASTIGMATISM! Not only do I get clear vision all day, it also feels extremely comfortable! 1•DAY ACUVUE® MOIST® for ASTIGMATISM is my healthier lens of choice as it provides ACUVUE® Triple Care - Moisture, Oxygen and UV Protection and Autofocus - to keep your eyes healthy & and give you stable vision all day, every day!

As you guys would have known, I've been posting a lot about 1•DAY ACUVUE® MOIST® for ASTIGMATISM Brand Contact Lenses on my Social Media. But seriously, it is something I have tried and tested, feel good about, and I want to share all the goodness with my darling Huneybees!
I've been a happy queen bee ever since I proudly beat the blur with 1•DAY ACUVUE® MOIST® for ASTIGMATISM! I've been a vain pot and would never wear my spectacles since secondary school. I always think that they make me look dorky and I want to show off my beautiful eye shadow colours. When I started to get more obsessed with makeup/beauty, I turned to coloured contact lens to make my eyes pop.
As I have Astigmatism, there were no coloured Astigmatic lenses available and suitable for me. As such, I simply bought contact lenses with no prescription. So you can say that I looked good, but could never see clearly. My vision was perpetually blurred and I would squint my eyes hard if I needed to check out some price tags or the numbers of on-coming buses.
In fact, that made me look uglier. I seemed to be making funny faces when I squinted and most of the time, I strained my eyes so hard, I get headaches by evening. It was definitely not healthy for my eyes, but I had just ignored it until I was invited to go for an eye check.
The Eye Care Professional told me that I haven’t been wearing the right contact lenses to properly correct my Astigmatism and I knew she was right when I went through the eye exam. The eye exam showed that my Astigmatism has increased! The Eye Care Professional was patient with me, tested my eyes and gave me advice on the right way of wearing 1•DAY ACUVUE® MOIST® for ASTIGMATISM. It was time I did something for my eyes; after all, it is something precious to me. Without my sight, how am I to do my makeup or even look pretty right?!
What is Astigmatism?
But now, I'm saved by 1•DAY ACUVUE® MOIST® for ASTIGMATISM! Not only do I get clear vision all day, it also feels extremely comfortable! 1•DAY ACUVUE® MOIST® for ASTIGMATISM is my healthier lens of choice as it provides ACUVUE® Triple Care - Moisture, Oxygen and UV Protection and Autofocus - to keep your eyes healthy & and give you stable vision all day, every day!
As a daily disposable contact lens, it's hygienic, healthy and hassle-free as you simply throw away the lens at the end of the day. It was always so troublesome especially when I'm travelling. There was a time when I didn't clean my contact lenses at the end of the day and I had infected red eyes for the rest of the trip. So this time to Bintan, I was glad I had 1•DAY ACUVUE® MOIST® for ASTIGMATISM with me. No more washing and storing of contact lenses – YAY to a fresh new pair every day!
It's so comfortable, as though I'm not wearing any contact lens and I can still wear shades to protect myself from the glaring sun, without compromising my vision. I could pack light as I don't have to bring the extra contact lens case and multi-purpose solution. In fact, I could even forgo eyedrops as my eyes felt so moisturised even till end of the day! It was like a fresh new pair of eyes!
Well, this is only part one of my journey to healthy eyes with 1•DAY ACUVUE® MOIST® for ASTIGMATISM.
Now that I have found the solution to beat the blur, I would like to share the secret with everyone so you too can enjoy clear and HEALTHY vision!
Come join me in making a difference in your lives and in the lives of people around you by inviting your friends to try 1•DAY ACUVUE® MOIST® for ASTIGMATISM at www.acuvue.com.sg/beattheblur!
Stay tuned to my next post to learn more about my embarrassing moments when I haven't discovered 1•DAY ACUVUE® MOIST® for ASTIGMATISM.
Meanwhile, go get your eyes checked today and I bet you will be happy once you have BEATEN THE BLUR!