Hi Huneybees,
It's been awhile since I last watched the TV. And over the weekend, when family came to gather, an ad for the Pioneer Generation Package caught my eye. It was a fancy oldies movie kinda feel, with a little old Shanghai songstress played by Sebastian Tan as well as a male lead - Mark Lee.
It was in fact very catchy and it definitely caught everyone's attention as all of us stopped to hear it for awhile, speculating if a new theatre show was in the works. This was definitely a applauding effort on the government to have thought of this, coz even the next day when I was having dinner at the coffeeshop, all the uncles and aunties were watching and talking about PG card as well as "Who is that Ah Gua (crossdresser)? Chio (pretty) lah, can sing!" They were all tickled pink by his appearance and image.
Nothing against a crossdresser, I'm a rainbow lover, but has Singapore's lifestyle been so boring, nothing of highlight that we require cross dressing to perk us up? What happened to the good old song and dance or just simply big star appearances?!

It was in fact very catchy and it definitely caught everyone's attention as all of us stopped to hear it for awhile, speculating if a new theatre show was in the works. This was definitely a applauding effort on the government to have thought of this, coz even the next day when I was having dinner at the coffeeshop, all the uncles and aunties were watching and talking about PG card as well as "Who is that Ah Gua (crossdresser)? Chio (pretty) lah, can sing!" They were all tickled pink by his appearance and image.
Amongst the song and dance, I must say the line dancers in the background seemed a little too stiff, shouldn't they be portrayed a little livelier like the both leads? I was perturbed by that coz they seemed like zombies, or as though someone was whipping them into the right position. "Oh no! Wrong step, no dinner tonight!"
If only they were happier in receiving the package, the ad would definitely be better. Shouldn't our pioneers be happy that they are being recognized and given some perks? It would be amazing if we had seen them doing things like those babies in the Evian ad, don't you think?
Well, maybe coz I was in this line of the business before, advertisements and marketing stunts are pretty much what always gets me started. Great effort guys and let's keep having more creative local made advertisements! I can't wait to see them! And also, congrats to our Pioneer Generation~! =)
A little about the Pioneer Generation Package
Among other materials, each welcome package will contain a white card, with their name, identification number and a barcode, identifying them as one of the pioneers - those who are 65 years old and above this year, and became a citizen before 1987.
This card allows them to enjoy subsidies at polyclinics, specialist outpatient clinics, and participating GP and dental clinics under the Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS).
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