Hi Huneybees,
Bag lovers like me would definitely be happy to hear that you can win an Azalea Pink Balenciaga Classic City handbag from Qoo10 !

Simply take part in Qoo10’s ‘Lucky Price’ auction in commemoration of their 4th anniversary in Singapore from 15 August – 10 September 2014. Enter a bid between $1.00 - $200.00 (limited to a daily maximum of three bids per user).
Each bid costs one Green MameQ Token and this can be earned by stamping the daily attendance card or spinning the Roulette Q (http://list.qoo10.sg/gmkt.inc/Event/qchance.aspx). The participant with the lowest unique bid (e.g. $20.37) will walk away with the Balenciaga Classic City handbag (retailing for S$2,330), paying less than 10% of the retail price.
As part of the ongoing 4th anniversary celebrations, Qoo10 held a ‘Lucky Price’ auction for a Louis Vuitton ALMA PM and Prada Double handbag in the months of July and August respectively, to thank their members for their support.
Wana win yourself a bag?
Be sure to bid the lowest and most unique one!
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