XM Studios Announces Partnership with EMERGE Group to Elevate Toy Collectors' Experience

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Hi Huneybees,

Ben Ang, CEO of XM Studios (Left) and Roy Kek, CEO and Co-Founder of EMERGE Group (Right)

XM Studios, an award-winning design studio renowned for its luxury handcrafted art collectibles, has anounced a strategic partnership with EMERGE Group, a leading martech firm specializing in commercialization solutions for notable intellectual properties (IPs). This collaboration aims to support XM Studios in its global expansion, scaling its innovative offerings into new markets.

EMERGE Group brings extensive expertise in commercialization solutions for world-renowned IPs. With a successful track record in maximizing the potential of IPs across industries like gaming and esports, their partnership with XM Studios is set to unlock new avenues for growth and innovation.

Through this partnership, XM Studios plans to extend its reach by collaborating with innovative brands and ventures, focusing on projects that enhance the collector experience, allowing people to experience the figurines up close and truly appreciate their value and art. Leveraging EMERGE Group’s IP network, XM Studios aims to elevate its art collectibles, bolster its legitimacy among collectors, and cement its position as a forward-thinking market leader.

For more information, please visit www.xm-studios.com and https://emerge-group.co/.


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