Blogs Huney'z Been Following

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Hi Huneybees, Ever since becoming a blogger, I have also been reading up and following some bloggers' blogs. Some interest me, some are because I've made friends with them at events and found their blogs pretty interesting. Let me introduce some to you... 1) Hong Peng aka HP is our president for the G+...
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What the bug?!

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Hi Huneybees, When I came back home with hubby today we spotted this little creature hanging around my wardrobe. It's a like a mosquito, like a fly, but super shiny, shimmery like those Scarab bugs in the "Mummy" movies. I tried Googl-ing it, but no results. If you guys know please let me know? Upon seeing such a beautiful creature, I...
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[What's New] Beauty Comes From Within - BRAND'S Innershine

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Hi Huneybees, What is the most important thing to women? Beautiful radiant skin with great elasticity right? Let me introduce the all new BRAND'S® InnerShine® Berry Essence with Grape Seed Extract. And I  was down at the launch event with Miyo and now I'm addicted to the drink. :) The all new Brands Innershine...
Read More - They're for REAL!

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*Sponsored Post* Hi Huneybees, Last week I was invited by to a event, not to bid but to understand them more, so that I can introduce them to you guys. Let me kick it off by telling you a little about them... Launched in July 2010, is an entertainment shopping website that allows users the chance to buy items...
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