Counting down to 2012

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Hi Huneybees, Are you ready for 2012? Below are some places you can consider for later today, to be seen and countdown to 2012 with the rest of the nation... 1) Marina Bay Singapore Countdown 2012 Jointly presented by Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay and the Urban Redevelopment Authority, Marina Bay Singapore Countdown, which...
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Huney taking 5

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Hi Huneybees, It's been a crazy week with blogging, attending events, work (duno why so many projects all of a sudden) and also the return of my sister! I must say it's a crazy month, with so many things happening, I decided to just take a little breather from blogging to concentrate on work and spending some quality time with family....
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Huney'Z X'mas

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Hi Huneybees, This X'mas was super fruitful for me! I got to catch up with my family and also friends and even made new friends! The drink for the night. How can we miss the log cake. We were stuffed, but everyone had to have a slice of the sweet delicious cake. So nice to see the kids having fun! Jiselle...
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