Charlie St. Cloud

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Hi guys, Have you heard of the new movie starring the High School heart throb: Zac Effron?   The movie is based on an acclaimed novel. "Charlie St. Cloud is a romantic movie starring Zac Efron as a young man who survives an accident that lets him see the world in a unique way.  In this emotionally charged story, he...
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WOW Story Campaign.

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Hi guys, Just a little update. I'm actually trying to rest more and recover from some allergy rashes. Doc has prescribed me with drowsy meds, thus the lack of energy to update blog. Hehehehe. Anyway, would love to have you guys vote for me in this campaign with Kotex (yes, sanitary pads). They have launched a new series of floral printed...
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Watch wad you comment!

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Hi guys, I just read about an Australian editor, Matt Nicholls, was being suspended over his comments in Facebook. Matt Nicholls, who became editor of the regional Glen Innes Examiner just three weeks ago, allegedly made the comments on the social networking site after Glen Innes-raised Constable Bill Crews was shot dead in a drug raid. Crews's father is a retired policeman and his mother works as a pre-school teacher...
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The Most Compatible Celebrity Couple

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Hi guys, I bet everyone has their ideal/most compatible celebrity couple that they "look up" to or in my case, wana be as blissful as them. Who's my "them" u ask? It's definitely Heidi Klum and Seal! I've been loving Heidi Klum since her Victoria Secrets days. Sexy body, perfect features, flawless skin and a superbly cannot resist...
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Hi guys, I have created a second blog for myself. The original is http://www/ & I have created this new blogspot one mainly coz I can have ads in here, guess that's where the advantage is huh? How's everyone doing for their long weekend? Would love to hear some comments and please show your support by subscribing to my blog on the right. See ya soon! Muahz, Christina aka Hun...
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