What's Installed For SHINE Youth Festival 2013

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Hi Huneybees,

The annual Shine Youth Festival is back and bigger, this 2013 encourages youth to act on their passion and champion causes for the community. Performances of Parkour performed on an obstacle course, with a creative (and sometimes playful) reinterpretation or subversion of urban space were put up during the media conference. Along with music performances by the Cajon Society which was reminiscent of Samba music through the drum beats. The festival uses art and music of bridge gaps across communities and allows youth to effect a long lasting impact in the societies they live in. Helping to nurture the arts and cultural expression in  our city.


The theme #Freeyouryou which incidentally sounds like free your youth is the campaigns hashtag, along with a "Pledge to shine" initiative which encourages youth to go out there and commit to a social cause or personal development. Make a pledge today at www.facebook.com/shineYouth

Since 2005, the National Youth Council has been lighting up the Youth month of July with the Shine youth festival! a youth for youth initiative led by a committee of youth sector leaders and a team of youth volunteers.
The festival will kick off on 29th June at *SCAPE featuring performances from SMU, Singapore Street Festival, Dreamcatches and more.
PLEDGE TO SHINEPledge to Shine is a social, youth-driven initiative that encourages youth to express their commitment to action and showcase their talent.
PITCH TO SHINEPitch to shine is all about promoting a worth cause through the PITCH TO SHINE funding which identifies and funds youth projects that promote worthy causes and make a difference in the community.

Its main objectives are:
  • Seed projects with strong alignment with the Festival’s position and objectives
  • Identify projects/new partners with potential to become signature events/marquee or strategic partners for future SHINE festivals
  • Identify suitable projects/events that are scalable to be featured as party of shine festival launch or closing highlight.
  • Recipients of the PITCH TO SHINE award includes The Cajon Society who will be organizing workshops in their community to teach people their style of music and percussion.

Quotable quotes:
“I believe that peace is not merely an absence of war but the nurture of human life, and that in time this nurture would do away with war as a natural process.”
– Jane Addams
“Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly, and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story. Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love – for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment is it perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you from misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labours and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.”
― Max EhrmannDesiderata: A Poem for a Way of Life

(This article is contributed by Alethea. Photo Credits: Alethea)

About the Author

Alethea is a Lifestyle Blogger at www.altheajayne.com and Director of www.partyparlorsg.com by day, avid whisky and spirits connoisseur by night. 


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