Find Out How PayPal & Braintree Could Lead You To The Path Of Financial Freedom

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Hi Huneybees,

Online shopping (and gaming) is a norm these days and whether you are buying or selling, payment has always been an important part of the whole experience.

Mr. Tyson Hackwood, Head of Asia@ Braintree sharing how PayPal Business Challenge works
Security, speed and ease of transaction are three main concerns for anyone trying to complete an online deal and PayPal is one of the world's largest and most recognizable internet payment companies that help us avoid such pitfalls, which otherwise would have taken away the fun of online shopping.

Mr. Anupam Pahuja, GM-Technology@ PayPal shared some tips on running a business
Like many successful businesses embracing corporate social responsibility where companies should not exist only to make a profit but to serve society,  PayPal, through its partnership with Braintree, has been helping local startups and developer communities to thrive in Singapore.

Attributing its success in the market to the thousands of business merchants and non-profits who choose to use its internet payment services every day, PayPal understands the need to continually build a deeper understanding of these customers in order to serve them in the best possible way.

As such PayPal Business Challenge has been organized to not only as an opportunity for its top employees to build this deep understanding by working directly with local small organizations but also serves to create a stronger bond between its employees and the entrepreneurial, artistic, and historic cities in which PayPal work.

Cottony is one of the beneficiaries of PayPal Business Challange
Some of the local setups which have benefited from this initiative includes Airfrov, BattleHack, Vanitee and Cottony.

For Huneybees who has a great business idea and wish to be as successfully of these local setups,  you may like to email to find out more about PayPal Business Challenge and how it could lead you to the path of financial freedom!

Have a great weekend ahead!

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